Sunday, October 19, 2014

The Meaning of Technology Affordances and Constraints in terms of Education

Affordances and Constraints with Technology in Terms of Education

As effective educators, we always try to find ways to teach using the best resources that we can find as an enhancement or reinforcement to the subject that we want to teach. With the new innovation of how technology integration, content knowledge and pedagogy framework from TPACK , our adaptation to the new trends is easier. However, as part of life, this new way of teaching has advantages and disadvantages that in technology are known as affordances and constrains. In the next paragraphs, I will try to define the terms base on education.
Ann Palmer in her blog explains that affordances are all those things that benefit our teaching. For example, having an extra resource, such a video as a reinforcement to teach a term or a concept; it is a positive way to use technology. That is an affordance. It is a way to use the experts to reinforce our lecture or the subject that we are teaching. There are many benefits for teachers to use technology in their classroom.  One document published by boundless explains all the benefits on top of having the students to be more computer literate.

On the other hand, the constraints are all the other things that are in the way to make the integration a technology a positive asset for the classroom and the curriculum. One of these constraints could be the time that teachers need to prepare the classes and finding resources for their students. Another constraint can be the lack of access to the resources by the students in the schools if the schools do not have enough funds for the latest technology as Chiasuanchong explains in his blog.
Even thought that there are pros and cons about this topic, it is important that as educators expose and prepare ourselves for the new technological updates is the best option because if we have the possibilities available, we can enrich our new teaching methods.  

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